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Masia del Reyes

Welcome to the Masia del Reyes - situated in beautiful Moia in between Vic and Barcelona. It`s large grounds,1900m are ideal to relax or swim in our pool. We have more than twenty years of experience. We also do fullboard

Contact Information
Address : Carrer Monsec
Host(s) : Cati and David
Phone : 637864303
Fax :
Email :
Website : Masia del Reyes Website
Language(s) spoken : English, Spanish, Catalan, French

バスルーム : 共用 Breakfast Style : コンチネンタル
喫煙 : Yes Smoking Yes Smoking is not allowed in the rooms 子供同伴 : Yes Children Yes
ペット : Yes Pets Yes Cat and a dog which live outside インターネット環境 : Yes Internet Yes
車椅子 : Yes Wheelchair Yes 駐車場 : Yes Parking Yes
Cots, fridge, internet, swimming pool, washing machine, gym, playroom

Payment & Polices
料金 Range : 28-35 EUR
Payment Methods : Paypal Cash
Check In/Check Out : Can be agreed
Cancellation :
Policies :
PayPal :

Area Activities
What to see & do : Visit prehistoric Caves, Ice wells, Route of 1714, Barcelona, Vic, Museums, Waterfalls, cycling,.....
Nearby town(s) : Moa

When you book we will send directions depending on how you travel
Map :

Asosciacion EHIS - English Homestay In Spain
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