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Van Le

1 bed room with TV, fan, wifi, mattress. Can share the frigde, kitchen,bathroom with family members.

Contact Information
Address : Nguyen Trung Ngan street, Cam Le district, Da Nang city
Host(s) : 2
Phone : +84 935 59 55 26
Fax :
Email :
Website : Van Le Website
Language(s) spoken : Vietnamese, English

Bathroom : Shared Breakfast Style : Continental
Allows smoker(s)? : Yes Smoking Yes Children Allowed? : Yes Children Yes
Pet(s) at home? : Yes Pets Yes Internet access? : Yes Internet Yes
Wheelchair Accessible? : Yes Wheelchair Yes Parking Available? : Yes Parking Yes

Payment & Polices
Price Range : 80000-100000 VND
Payment Methods : Cash
Check In/Check Out : You can stay in my house as long as you want.
80.000 for one day with Bed'n'Breakfast. If you want to join in our family meal you have to extra 25.000 dong for each meal.
Cancellation : If you cancel or delay coming to my house, please let me know before 24h through my email:
Policies : - Be nice to my family
- Feel free as home

Area Activities
What to see & do : beach, moutains, amazing view, sun bathing, eating delicious street food
Nearby town(s) : Hoi An, Cu Lao Cham Island, Hue city

Train, Bus, Air-plane, Motorbike
Map :

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